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Stanhope Primary

Interactive Home Learning

Remote Learning Top 10 Tips

Here are a few fantastic on-line FREE learning resources to supplement the home learning provided

This is fantastic for reading comprehensions and  individual reading to match your current level and adapts to your latest scores. 

A great tool to create, read  and publish ebooks Book Creator
Maths times tables where you can test yourself against your last score Times Table Speed Test
Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice Times Table Rock Stars
Nat West My Money Sense- A FREE financial education programme Money Sense
A series of five maths lessons for each year group from Year 1- 6 White Rose Maths
Hamilton Trust Years 1-6 English & Maths resources

On-line classroom and resource hub

Oak National Academy

Fun Daily Lessons in all subjects

BBC Bitesize

Science on-line learning resources

A free and excellent resource that is produced by The Wellcome Trust. Parents could do one Explorify activity a day with their children. Mark each activity that they do as 'done' to unlock more activities.   Explorify
Reach Out Reporter is a free weekly science news programme for primary aged children. Parents could watch it each week with their children. The website has lots of suggestions for how to use the news bulletins to spark science conversations. Reach Out Reporter
This is a dedicated website for home science activities which are fun and easy to do Royal Institution Experimental
Parents with access to a garden can download free mini-beast spotter guides from OPAL

Explore Nature

Woodland Trust's 'Trees for Schools

Run your very own science reading challenge using this great PSTT resource PSTT Resource
Other great websites 

Marvin and Milo


The Science Museum


Science Sparks


The Ogden Trust