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Stanhope Primary

Leadership Roles

Student Executives

Nominations for our Student Executives take place in the Autumn Term. This is a rigorous process and the children who wish to be considered have to complete an application highlighting why they feel they are suitable candidates.

Job Description and Person Specification

Student Executives Job Description

Main purposes of the job

  1. To support the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team in promoting and representing the school

Main responsibilities and tasks

  1. Represent the school at certain events
  2. Make speeches promoting the school
  3. Show visitors round
  4. Meet with school council /prefects


Head Boy /Girl Person Specification


  1. Experience of being an excellent role model for others
  2. Experience of talking to others confidently /or giving speeches

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities

  1. Can say the school rules
  2. Understands right from wrong
  3. Ability to communicate to large groups confidently
  4. Ability to recognise and respond to others’ achievements


As part of our citizenship education, we believe that children need to experience duties and responsibilities that come with being a member of a community in order to help them prepare to play an active role as citizens.

At Stanhope we believe that prefects have a very important role to play in the day to day organisation of our school and as only Year Six pupils are allowed to apply for this position, it is considered to be very prestigious. Prefects are, in a sense, the pupil leadership team and are expected to take their role seriously.

The position not only allows the Year Six pupils to lead by example and demonstrate their responsibility, it also enables the younger children to learn from a good example. Every prefect has to apply for the job and their applications go through a selection process. 

Whilst the School Council members are chosen democratically by children, the senior staff identify and encourage suitable children to apply for a prefect position. Once their application has been successful, prefects are awarded badges in a whole school assembly.





Attendance Ambassadors