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Stanhope Primary


On behalf of the children, staff and governors, I welcome you to Stanhope Primary School.

I am extremely privileged to be the Headteacher of Stanhope Primary School - a school which is unwaveringly ambitious for every child, relentless in its goal to provide an excellent education and passionately promotes equality.

Our core values - confidence, kindness, empathy, respect and honesty – underpin our daily practice. We expect our entire community to act in accordance with our values. We coach our students in line with our values and ensure that we provide an environment where students’ social and relationship skills are continually developed. We ensure that students build a deep desire to contribute actively to local and global society so that they can make a real difference in the world.

We are a child-centred school. We place children’s interests and wishes at the heart of all that we do. Safeguarding and well-being are prioritised and threaded through all areas of school life.

Our rich, broad and purposeful curriculum has no glass ceiling for our students. We promote a growth mindset where students develop learning dispositions such as curiosity, self-motivation and collaboration. We encourage students to step out of their comfort zone and to relish new challenges.

Language and oral skills are a key factor in future success and it is therefore our aim to ensure that both elements are interwoven in our curriculum and in our personal development provision for all students from Nursery to Year 6. Achievement in language and oral skills are gifts we provide to our students that will allow them to have unlimited opportunities in higher education and in the field of work. 

I believe strongly in involving all stakeholders in school improvement be they students, parents/carers, staff, governors or the local community. It is important to me to actively listen to the voice of students and their families, inviting and acting upon feedback.

I know that a strong and positive relationship between families and school is imperative to ensure that students receive the very best education. It is my aim to ensure that we continue to build cohesion and celebrate the unique diversity that we are lucky to have at Stanhope.

We provide a stimulating, creative and challenging curriculum for each and every one of our pupils. We are extremely proud of the varied and meaningful learning opportunities that we provide across the curriculum and of the extra-curricular activities on offer. Our pupils have opportunities to learn through a wide range of educational visits, experiences, events and visitors. In order for our students to excel in the creative subjects, we link closely with charities and organisations that further enrich what we offer. Examples include Public Speaking (LAMDA), Mandarin and Debate Mate. This year we are also partnering with The Primary Shakespeare Company.

Our stable and highly experienced staff inspire our children with their own life-long love of learning. The staff have a shared drive to constantly review, improve and enrich our curriculum to ensure learning is relevant and exciting for all pupils.


If you would like to arrange a visit, we’d be delighted to show you around. Please contact our school office to find a suitable time.


Hannah Widdison
